I’m not where I thought I’d be right now in an area of my life. I won’t lie: sometimes that gets me down.
That is, it gets me down when I focus on the discrepancy between where I thought I’d be and where I am.
[This isn’t just another ‘be grateful for what you have’ messages, as much as that practice is a very useful habit.]
In those moments, I consciously remind myself that I’m exactly where I am meant to be.
I may not know WHY I’m meant to be here in this spot in my life right now. Actually, I rarely EVER know why. Even using my intuitive connection, receiving spiritual messages, and the energy work I do – I don’t really get a big-picture ‘why.’ As I see it, there are many possible answers or reasons ‘why.’
I just have a strong sense of trust that it’s all ok, even if it doesn’t feel ok in this moment. Even if it feels, from time to time, like I ‘should’ be in a different spot.
ARE YOU where you thought you’d be, in some area of your life?
If you’re not, do you feel bad about it? Does it get you down? Are you beating yourself up about what you think you should/could/would have done differently, or for what you’re doing/not doing vs. what think you ‘should’ be doing?
If so, hit PAUSE on berating yourself for a sec.
Consider for a moment these possibilities:
~ That this is where you’re meant to be right in this moment, because this is where you are.
~ That there is no other place for you to be, because you are right here, right now.
~ That if the path to your desired destination seems to be taking longer than you’d anticipated, there’s more for you to see and do along the way.
~ That there may be some side-paths that you’re meant to take, viewpoints that you’re meant to stop and look out from, and things for you to observe.
~ That you aren’t meant to be in continual motion, always moving forward.
~ That there are perhaps some park-benches you are meant to stop and rest on, for awhile, along the way.
~ That there might be some folks you’re meant to stop and connect with before you reach your destination.
~ That maybe, after these interactions, observations, side-roads and exploration – your direction or goal might shift.
~ That the destination toward which you were originally headed is actually not the one you end up wanting to get to, after all.
Are any of the above possible? See if you can find some element of trust in your present situation as you consider those statements. Go easy on yourself.