by Carla | Jan 17, 2023 | Food for Thought, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
A RIVER LOOKS MUCH THE SAME AT ANY MOMENT from a distance, a little like how we might view our days, or even ourselves: much the same from one day to the next. But even though the river appears nearly identical on the surface from moment to moment, in truth it is in...
by Carla | Dec 28, 2022 | Comparison to Others, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
YOU’RE NOT LIKE ANYONE ELSE. Stop trying to be like someone else. Stop comparing your progress, your performance, your attributes – to theirs. You’re not perfect. You’re imperfect, but everyone else is imperfect as well. Even the person you think has it all together...
by Carla | Dec 28, 2022 | Interactions & Communication, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
NOT EVERYONE IS BLAMING YOU when they are bringing up a problem. Often we can jump to that expectation and get defensive. Maybe we’ve experienced or observed that before, and it’s become our automatic reaction. But someone discovering a problem is more likely just...
by Carla | Dec 27, 2022 | Habits & Practices, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
ONE MIGHT SAY THAT SEEKING THE APPROVAL OF OTHERS IS A FOOL’S ERRAND. But we actually spend much of our lives – particularly our early life – trying to fit in, which involves seeking approval and acceptance of others. It’s a natural part of the human...
by Carla | Dec 27, 2022 | Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
As a child, I NAIVELY THOUGHT ADULTHOOD WAS A THING YOU REACHED AND THEN THAT WAS THAT – that’s who you were from then on. I figured that adults continued to be the same throughout the rest of their lives, and they knew ‘all the things’ – and that, too, was just...
by Carla | Oct 30, 2022 | Interactions & Communication, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
You’ve probably heard it said DON’T TAKE WHAT OTHERS SAY PERSONALLY. Or maybe IT’S REALLY MORE ABOUT THEM THAN YOU – typically said about something someone has said or done as a means to help you to not take it personally. Have you thought that perhaps it sounds...