Impactful changes are effortlessly unfolding

Impactful changes are effortlessly unfolding

TRUST THAT THE CHANGES WITHIN OURSELVES THAT ARE MOST IMPORTANT, MOST IMPACTFUL – ARE OFTEN EFFORTLESSLY UNFOLDING under our radar – all the pieces coming together, percolating, and assembling under the surface. Our subconscious – having taken in all...
It’s OK If You Don’t Want It Anymore

It’s OK If You Don’t Want It Anymore

YOU KNOW THAT THING YOU REALLY WANTED, OR THAT GOAL YOU’VE BEEN WORKING TOWARD? ~ Maybe it’s already worked out – you’re there or you got it! ~ Maybe you’re still on your way – still working toward it. IT’S OK IF YOU DON’T WANT IT ANYMORE. Of course,...
Can we be the light for someone else

Can we be the light for someone else

IF WE LOOK FOR SOMETHING GOOD, something positive, something ‘light’ wherever we are today, can we find it? Inviting each of us to look for a bit of ‘light’ wherever we are – in our surroundings, and in the people and things we surround ourselves with. And if we can’t...
Be the landscaper of your imagination

Be the landscaper of your imagination

I SEE THE IMAGINATION AS ONE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH OUR SPIRIT, our soul, our consciousness – exists and plays. Of course, our spirit, soul, consciousness (whatever word you’d like to use) is also us – existing in this 3D world. But I see the imagination as...
If not now, then when?

If not now, then when?

IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN? IF NOT ME, THEN WHO? Reminders today for the procrastinators, and for the people who wonder if what they could say or do might even have any value, or any other ‘mights’ or ‘shoulds’ or ‘why bothers’ or ‘too lates’ or ‘what good will it do,...