Abbreviate what you can

Abbreviate what you can

ABBREVIATE WHAT CAN BE shortened in your day, in order to allow extra time for the things that need it – the things that are of great value but are slow, that take their time, that need more attention, or will simply benefit from more of your time –...
We’re not running out of time

We’re not running out of time

HOW OFTEN DO WE HEAR THAT WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME?  Everything from ads and marketing (just for a limited time – don’t miss out!), to our own fears of getting older (fearing not enough time, in general), to the fact that sleep/bedtime has come too quickly (we’ve run...
Intuition is a gateway

Intuition is a gateway

INTUITION IS THE GATEWAY TO EVERYWHERE ELSE AND NOWHERE ELSE AT THE SAME TIME. The gut feelings, ideas, even images and messages that arise – we tend to think they’re coming FROM elsewhere TO us because we’re just discovering them, so it’s difficult...