Do what you can

Do what you can

‘DO WHAT YOU CAN, WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT, WHERE YOU ARE.’ ~Bill Widener (although this quote is often attributed to Theodore Roosevelt). When the events of the world feel scary, overwhelming, and difficult to fathom, and perhaps leave you wondering: what can I do...
Breakthroughs and judgment

Breakthroughs and judgment

‘NO BREAKTHROUGH IS GOING TO COME FROM MORE JUDGMENT’ ~Brendon Burchard (I recently heard him say this on a short video clip, but I can’t seem to confirm whether the quote is his or someone else’s, originally.) We can be our own worst critic, can’t we? When we’re...
Take Your Own Advice

Take Your Own Advice

How many times have you been asked for advice or guidance – and you’re able to come up with suggestions for the other person, only afterward realizing it’s advice you could benefit from, as well? You have a moment of puzzlement, wondering: ‘hmm… why am I not...
On Meditation

On Meditation

I recently got back to a regular meditation routine again. I have often fallen out of practice with meditating. As with many things, I didn’t intend to stop, nor did I even realize I had stopped until one day it was just no longer in my routine. If this has happened...