by Carla | Mar 9, 2023 | Food for Thought, Habits & Practices, Shifting Perspective
WHAT IF WE TREATED LIFE MORE LIKE AN EXPERIMENT THAN A PERFORMANCE? How would that change our approach to our day-to-day experiences? A performance or presentation often comes with it a sense of appearing polished, well-practiced, being an expert, and perhaps a desire...
by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Food for Thought, Interactions & Communication
WE TEND TO WANT OTHERS TO BE LIKE US. Maybe we wouldn’t put it in so many words, but we do tend to seek connection with others who share similar values, interests, even abilities. Perhaps it comes from a desire to be accepted and to make connections – to feel less...
by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Food for Thought, Interactions & Communication
WHEN IMPATIENCE STRIKES US – perhaps we’re in the presence of someone slower at a task than we would like, or doesn’t know the answer or solution that comes easily to us – we might find ourselves in the midst of thoughts like: Uggghhh… ~ how does this person not know...
by Carla | Feb 9, 2023 | Comparison to Others, Food for Thought
WHEN WE START COMPARING OURSELVES TO OTHERS because their path seems more exciting, more secure, easier, flashier – it would be worth asking ourselves: ~ do we really want the things for which we are envying them? ~ are we aware of all that comes with what they do,...
by Carla | Feb 1, 2023 | Food for Thought
GUILT IS A THIEF OF JOY. Certainly there are genuine reasons to feel guilty, particularly at times when we actually hurt someone in some way – their feelings or otherwise. But I find that many of us feel guilty far too often, for everything from: ~ saying the...
by Carla | Jan 25, 2023 | Food for Thought, Shifting Perspective
THERE IS NOTHING GREATER THAN ANY OF US – the being, the essence, the spirit that is each one of us. There are forces greater than our physical bodies, but the essence that is each of us cannot be destroyed – it has withstood it all. Maybe you believe in...