May you find something of value in what I share.
What is ‘inner work’?
WHAT IS INNER WORK? In conversation with a dear friend a few weeks ago, I said something like ‘…I guess it’s improved a bit after the inner work I’ve done.’ The phrase just sort of rolled off my tongue. But afterward I thought about what that term really brings to...
Remember how rarely people focus on others
For those of us who get caught up in WORRYING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT BE THINKING ABOUT US - whether we’re saying the right things, sounding smart or clever enough, whether we’re doing enough, looking attractive or presentable or respectable enough or whether we have...
Focus on resolving the issue, not pointing a finger
WE OFTEN LOOK FOR THE SOURCE OF A PROBLEM – who or what is at fault. Maybe it’s how we’ve been conditioned: society has us wanting to look for what is at fault for everything from our wrinkles to our weight to an accident to anything that has things going...
Courage is on the other side of trying
‘COURAGE LIVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TRYING.’ ~Jason Bateman ‘Do it - be uncomfortable - embrace the nervousness - who knows what’s gonna happen.’ ~Wil Arnett ‘If you don’t know you can do it, that’s good. Or if you fear that you can’t, give it a shot.’ ~ Steve Carrell...
Each step is necessary
WHEN SOMETHING HAS BEEN IN OUR MIDST FOR QUITE SOME TIME - perhaps something we’ve thought about doing but kept pushing to the side, or maybe an opportunity right under our nose that we hadn’t noticed or seemed too difficult - on which we only now feel called to take...
Defining terms to help communication
WORDS AND PHRASES ARE JUST GROUPINGS OF LETTERS OR SOUNDS that we use to convey concepts, ideas, information, and to describe situations and feelings. The words we choose don’t always mean the same thing to another person, yet we can tend to think that the meanings of...
What if you choose to be brave today?
WHAT IF YOU CHOOSE TO BE BRAVE TODAY? Bravery isn't necessarily something monumental - it could be big or small. Bravery is being courageous in some way. Within ourselves: ~ bravery might be allowing yourself to look at things from a different perspective, where you...
Finding a solution requires trusting that one exists
TO FIND A SOLUTION TO AN ISSUE IN ONE'S LIFE, or a way to simply ‘feel better’ when upset, unwell, confused or unclear, it usually requires: ~an openness to different ideas, ~a willingness to explore options, and ~the ability to entertain possibilities with some...
Ideas on the value of your existence
HOW WOULD IT FEEL TO LET GO of the idea that you must leave a legacy in this world of quantifiable or even noticeable achievements – in academics, in a career, in being the best at something, in having a family or numerous friends and connections, or even in good...
We don’t stare at the seed to make it grow
BRING TO MIND AN AREA OF YOUR LIFE, or your physical body, or another aspect of yourself – that you see as deficient, lacking, or not quite where you want it to be. How would it feel to trade in that ingrained belief - the one that says you're deficient - for simple...
They aren’t better than you
REMINDER: THEY ARE NOT BETTER THAN YOU. In this world of overabundant comparison to others, within the perspective some of us hold, we might feel that someone else - or perhaps most other people seem to have it all figured out: that they know so much more than us,...
Lamenting the past takes energy from the present
WE CAN BE QUICK TO LAMENT A DIFFICULT OR PAINFUL EXPERIENCE - wishing things had gone differently, that we’d handled it differently, or that we’d known [this] or [that] beforehand. But the truth is: ~ we didn’t know it would go the way it did, ~ it did, indeed, happen...
The value of listening
LISTENING CAN TAKE SOME EFFORT. Truly listening - inviting and allowing the other person to share. Asking for more details. Really being - and staying - engaged. This can take a little energy and focus - often more than simply listening in order to wait our turn to...
The wisest person in the room
THE LOUDEST VOICE IN THE ROOM, the one that speaks with most conviction, or the one who posts on social media boldly and with certainty that ‘this is how it is’ - is not always correct. Often the wisest person in the room or involved in any activity or on social media...
It’s all part of the journey
Remember that BEFORE YOU MADE THE MISTAKE: ~ you didn’t know it wouldn’t work, ~ you didn’t know it would end up the way it did, ~ you didn’t intend for it to happen as it did, ~ you didn’t know the outcome would be as it was. You learned and now you know. You might...
Carla Grundison
Calgary, AB, Canada | Mountain Time Zone