May you find something of value in what I share.
We’re more like wine than cake
As a child, I NAIVELY THOUGHT ADULTHOOD WAS A THING YOU REACHED AND THEN THAT WAS THAT – that’s who you were from then on. I figured that adults continued to be the same throughout the rest of their lives, and they knew ‘all the things’ - and that, too, was just that....
The impermanence of thoughts and feelings
In the book I'm reading, I came across this lovely passage and wanted to share it with you: ‘The mind is in a constant state of flux. No thought, no feeling, no sensation lasts for more than an instant before it is transformed into the next state, the next thought,...
The decision you make will be the right one
WHATEVER DECISION YOU MAKE WILL BE THE RIGHT ONE. I don’t know who said this first - but today it’s a message for anyone who needs it. Sure, there are exceptions – notably when one of the options has a good chance of hurting another person in some way. We could also...
A message for you
This morning I sat down and tuned-in to do a short session – focusing in on A MESSAGE TO SHARE WITH YOU, reader - and by short session I mean really mini, maybe 3min. Of course, arguably all the writing I do and share on here is intuitively guided – as is yours! We’re...
What people say about you
WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU isn’t a reflection of you, your motives, your actions, or your heart and spirit. ~ It might feel accurate. ~ It might be a compliment. ~ It might be something that sparks us to contemplate: ‘this might or might not be about me, but either...
We might not need to fix the problem
OFTEN PEOPLE DON'T WANT US TO FIX THE PROBLEM when they're telling us about a frustration or challenge in their life - at least not right away - even if we can see the answer, or it would be super easy to do as far as we're concerned. They might not even want us to...
It’s OK to feel discontent
IT’S OK TO FEEL DISCONTENT, or frustration, or to dislike something in your life - even if you are also grateful for what you have. I offer this as a reminder for each of us not to judge or dismiss our own feelings, and not to stifle them or think that we ‘shouldn’t...
Is it true, or is it just confirmation bias?
In a recent conversation relating to something of a spiritual nature - someone made a quick, offhand comment: IS IT TRUE, THOUGH? OR IS IT JUST CONFIRMATION BIAS? This reminded me that there are a few cognitive biases to be aware of as we evaluate things in our world,...
Resistance is futile
RESISTANCE IS FUTILE - it's the famous catch phrase of the Borg in Star Trek (well, it's famous to us Star Trek fans, anyway 😉 ). But as it applies to… ~ what is - right at this moment ~ what has already happened - in the past ~ how we feel - right now… …resistance IS...
Holding space
A dear friend gave me a compliment the other day, and told me that I HOLD SPACE IN A WAY THAT ALLOWS PEOPLE TO FEEL SAFE to open up to see and explore different parts of themselves. I was honoured to receive this comment, and touched that she feels this way about our...
Contemplations on the word ‘worry’
WHAT DOES THE WORD ‘WORRY’ MEAN TO YOU? How does it differ from ‘anxiety’ or ‘thinking’ or ‘rumination’? Sure there are formal definitions, but we all have slightly different ideas of what each of these words mean. I had a conversation with my partner the other day,...
The quest for happiness
ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR HAPPINESS? Pause that for moment. Consider the possibility that the idea of searching for happiness - or even inner peace, or joy, or whatever word you’d use to describe what you’re seeking - is a bit misleading. It can seem like it’s a thing...
What if you can’t find something good in this moment
Recently I was REFLECTING ON THE IDEA THAT: THERE’S NO NEED TO LOOK BACK AND REGRET or be concerned about things that have already happened, as we can: ~ trust that everything that has happened in our life - ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as we define it - was meant to lead us to...
Not taking what others say personally
You’ve probably heard it said DON’T TAKE WHAT OTHERS SAY PERSONALLY. Or maybe IT’S REALLY MORE ABOUT THEM THAN YOU - typically said about something someone has said or done as a means to help you to not take it personally. Have you thought that perhaps it sounds great...
Inner peace is found at this junction
I wonder if the often elusive state of inner peace we seek can simply be found at the junction or sweet spot between: ~ an ever-increasing genuine care for others, the world around us, what we value, what excites us and what we feel called to do, *and* ~ giving fewer...
Carla Grundison
Calgary, AB, Canada | Mountain Time Zone