May you find something of value in what I share.
You complete the energy of the space
YOU ARE VALUABLE to those around you and beyond. Keep that in your focus – ahead of any self-critical thoughts and ideas of ‘not enough’ or ‘I keep messing up’ or [insert self-critical thought here]. If played too frequently such thoughts erode your self-confidence....
Worrying less, trusting more
THE LESS I WORRY ABOUT THINGS THE BETTER I FEEL, PHYSICALLY. At least that’s what I’m discovering. I know it’s not a revolutionary idea – scientific studies have shown that stress and worry have an impact on our physical body, even in ways we would never think they...
The value of small interactions
BEEN FEELING LIKE YOU’RE NOT DOING A ‘GOOD ENOUGH’ JOB? Focusing on the mistakes you’ve made? Struggling to see any positive impact you’re making? Feeling like you’re not noticed or valued? If so, I invite you to remember: ~ the grocery clerk who smiled at you because...
Life as an experiment not a performance
WHAT IF WE TREATED LIFE MORE LIKE AN EXPERIMENT THAN A PERFORMANCE? How would that change our approach to our day-to-day experiences? A performance or presentation often comes with it a sense of appearing polished, well-practiced, being an expert, and perhaps a desire...
A little about anger
I READ THIS LOVELY ARTICLE ABOUT ANGER in the magazine Lion’s Roar, Nov 2022 issue - these were the pieces stuck out for me that I felt called to share: ‘Anger is something most of us try to avoid. Yet … we can observe the source of our anger – and the source of all...
Shifting envy to inspiration
WHEN WE FIND SOMETHING WE ENVY ABOUT ANOTHER PERSON - perhaps we’re comparing ourselves to them and saying to ourselves how much we wish we could be more like them, maybe even feeling down on ourselves for not being ‘as good at [x]’ as we find them to be in some way -...
You don’t need to be fixed
BEING VULNERABLE ABOUT BEING ANNOYED. There was a day recently that I was annoyed. There was no reason ‘on paper’ to be annoyed at this thing. [Interesting side-note I've since learned in conversation with a friend since then - that the term ‘on paper’ can just be a...
Following what sparks your interest
FOLLOW YOUR EXCITEMENT. I have often written about how it’s important to explore and follow the thing that lights you up – even a little. But by following it, you might not end up there – where ‘there’ is the thing that initially sparked your interest. Indeed there...
Accept the joy without wondering where it’s been
IF AND WHEN YOU HAVE SOME ENTHUSIASM, you feel happier, more energetic, a glimmer of excitement, a shift – follow that – follow your energy. Curb the temptation to focus on why you haven't felt that way until now, for such a long time, or even why it wasn't there just...
Getting our inner-critic and inner-supporter to work together
WE MIGHT READ AND FEEL LIKE WE ABSORB VALUABLE SUPPORTIVE REMINDERS SUCH AS: ~ It’s OK to just ‘be’ ~ You’re a human ‘being’ not a human ‘doing’ ~ Be kind to yourself ~ Life is a journey, you’re allowed rest along the way. ~ [Insert favourite supportive quote here]...
Contemplating the things we struggle to trust
WE TEND TO WANT OTHERS TO BE LIKE US. Maybe we wouldn’t put it in so many words, but we do tend to seek connection with others who share similar values, interests, even abilities. Perhaps it comes from a desire to be accepted and to make connections – to feel less...
There is meaning in whatever is happening
TAKE THE PHYSICAL ENERGY WHEN IT COMES. ~ If you’re getting more done today than yesterday, that’s just how it is today. It doesn’t mean you will - or must expect to - maintain this speed, energy, and zest for the rest of your days. LEAN INTO THE NEED FOR REST WHEN...
Not everyone is good at what we’re good at
WHEN IMPATIENCE STRIKES US – perhaps we’re in the presence of someone slower at a task than we would like, or doesn’t know the answer or solution that comes easily to us – we might find ourselves in the midst of thoughts like: Uggghhh… ~ how does this person not know...
When others don’t acknowledge us
Listening to a podcast recently, I heard a short exchange between two people: person A felt snubbed by person B because B had walked past A on the street and hadn’t said hello or acknowledged them. There seemed to even be a question as to whether it had been an...
You’ll never miss anything that is meant for you
A REMINDER FOR YOU FOR TODAY. You are on the right path. There is no other path for you to be on. Keep watching for signs: inspiration, messages, words or images that catch your eye, ideas that excite you, things that bring you enthusiasm and light you up a little...
Carla Grundison
Calgary, AB, Canada | Mountain Time Zone