May you find something of value in what I share.
On Discouragement
Discouragement: it’s the icing on the cake of disappointment, isn't it? Like disappointment, discouragement can also be found when something hasn’t worked out (or doesn’t seem to be working out) the way we had hoped or expected, and yet it has that extra layer of a...
But Spirituality Is Confusing…
There is so much information out there about the spirit world that it can be overwhelming. To complicate matters, much of the messaging seems to vary, and some of it is even conflicting. Each day I see someone telling me 'how it is' on some platform or another: what’s...
On Meditation
I recently got back to a regular meditation routine again. I have often fallen out of practice with meditating. As with many things, I didn’t intend to stop, nor did I even realize I had stopped until one day it was just no longer in my routine. If this has happened...
A Message to the Heartbroken
To the heartbroken, the sad, and the lonely - today on Valentine’s Day and always: remember that everything is always shifting. Trust that there are joyful experiences yet to be had, no matter what your circumstance: Seeing a smile in another. Laughing. Knowing you...
Opportunities are on their way to you
As I reflected on my recent post about uncertainty (Shaking the Uncertainty) and trusting that things are always working out even though you can’t see or control the outcome, a personal experience came to mind I felt called to share with you: Once upon a time I was...
Shaking the Uncertainty
“I don't know how to shake off the uncertainty.” A friend of mine is concerned about something outside of her control, and that is what she said to me today. My response to her: continually bring yourself into the present moment. When you catch yourself thinking about...
When You Fall Into Old Habits
When we surround ourselves with like-minded people, those who share our vision, or at least listen and support us, communication can be easy. What happens when a person or a situation comes along that pushes our buttons? Maybe we just don’t see eye to eye, or someone...
He Sees The Magic Now
My dad died one month ago. His death came less than a week after having a massive stroke, which left him in a state where he was unable to speak, and significantly impacted one side of his body. I feel 100% at peace with where my dad’s soul is now - which is,...
Why Did I Create This Reflections Blog?
(Originally posted July, 2018) I created this space to share my experiences, my realizations and a-ha moments, ponderings, and things that just make me laugh. I make no claim to have it all figured out and I'm very much a work in progress; but every day I make an...
Reflection On Anxiety
(Originally posted Oct 19, 2019) Last night I had a bout of anxiety, something I haven’t experienced in a couple of years. It was the closest to an anxiety attack I’ve had in an even longer stretch of time. I share this with you not for sympathy, nor for any other...
To Err Is Human
(Originally posted - Sept 20, 2019) Hands-up, everyone who’s human!! You can’t see it but my hand is up, even though doing so had me nearly knock the lampshade off the lamp I’m sitting under. Definitely human over here. Here’s some more proof of my humanness: Last...
Where’s YOUR Focus?
(Originally posted June 2, 2019) When I think back to different times in my life, I have the strongest memories about things I spent a lot of time thinking about - both at that time and since then. Seems obvious, right? Over time a river bed becomes deeper and...
To Each Their Own… Reservoir Of Knowledge
(Originally posted May 12, 2019) I have taken many courses, attended conferences and workshops, read (and also started-yet-not-quite-finished) lots of books, and had numerous conversations and sessions with others. Most are related to energy work, healing,...
What Others Say Is About Them, Not You
(Originally posted March 15, 2019) What people say about you is a reflection of them, not you. Most of us have probably heard that saying before, and typically think of it in relation to a negative interaction. Negative comments said by others can sometimes result...
On Procrastination
(Originally posted Dec 16, 2018) I am procrastinating, big time. In the first half-hour of sitting down to write this piece, I have: checked my email, checked facebook, gone to get some chocolate from the fridge, sent a text message, talked to my partner, followed...
Carla Grundison
Calgary, AB, Canada | Mountain Time Zone