

May you find something of value in what I share.

Sharing your story with others

Sharing your story with others

In conversation recently, a friend pondered the value of sharing their story and experiences with others - perhaps in a book or other written format.   They didn't feel they had answers or solutions to all that they'd gone through, so wondered: what value would it...

Benefit of the doubt

Benefit of the doubt

GIVING PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT is one of the most valuable practices or ways of thinking that was instilled in me from childhood. It might even have been THE most valuable one. My parents naturally operated this way - particularly my mom (and she still does)....

If you can’t get a word in edgewise

If you can’t get a word in edgewise

WHEN A PERSON TALKS AND TALKS AND TALKS… and talks, not letting someone else get a word in edgewise - it’s easy to think: Ugggghhh!! This person is totally self-absorbed, and not being perceptive or considerate of their conversation partner(s) and what they might want...

When you forget that amazing idea

When you forget that amazing idea

WHEN YOU FORGET THAT AMAZING IDEA or message that came into your mind's eye at a moment when you didn’t have the chance to write it down, or maybe you did write it down and now you’ve lost the paper on which you wrote it… ...don’t struggle at trying to remember....

Do what you can

Do what you can

‘DO WHAT YOU CAN, WITH WHAT YOU'VE GOT, WHERE YOU ARE.’ ~Bill Widener (although this quote is often attributed to Theodore Roosevelt). When the events of the world feel scary, overwhelming, and difficult to fathom, and perhaps leave you wondering: what can I do to...

Intuitive messages are usually subtle

Intuitive messages are usually subtle

SOMETHING THAT MAKES RECEIVING INTUITIVE MESSAGES OR GUIDANCE SEEM DIFFICULT is that we’re often looking for something revolutionarily different from anything we’ve experienced before. ~ Connecting in to inner wisdom / intuition / source / spirit / universe - whatever...

What’s my next line?

What’s my next line?

ONE WAY TO FIND A ‘SIGN’ OR MESSAGE. Sometimes we feel stuck - unclear about what decision to make, what to do about a situation, or how to get through an experience that’s been challenging for us. We wonder what our next move is – we feel unable to see it or find our...

Others are not always right

Others are not always right

YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS WRONG. OTHERS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. When listening to others and expanding your understanding, particularly when it comes to things of a spiritual nature, or others’ creative ideas, perspectives, beliefs, opinions, advice, or works of art, or even...

Breakthroughs and judgment

Breakthroughs and judgment

‘NO BREAKTHROUGH IS GOING TO COME FROM MORE JUDGMENT’ ~Brendon Burchard (I recently heard him say this on a short video clip, but I can’t seem to confirm whether the quote is his or someone else’s, originally.) We can be our own worst critic, can’t we? When we’re...

Impatience for what we want

Impatience for what we want

IMPATIENCE FOR WHAT WE WANT. Sometimes our 'wants' are not what is meant to be - at least, they might not be meant to be in our life or a part of our experience at this particular moment. But we are impatient (which, I believe that might actually be my middle name )....

Invite the solution to the surface

Invite the solution to the surface

INVITE THE SOLUTION TO COME TO THE SURFACE AND BE SEEN That issue you're struggling with, that problem you have, that decision you're trying to make... ~Pause ~Close your eyes ~Take a deep breath Imagine, for a moment, that someone has come to you, sharing how they...

Do you take in the compliments you receive?

Do you take in the compliments you receive?

DO YOU REALLY TAKE IN THE COMPLIMENTS YOU RECEIVE? It’s wonderful to get compliments when they come our way - it feels good, right? But… Sometimes it feels uncomfortable to receive one. Sometimes we don’t know what to say in response, other than a quick thank you....

If I am what I have and I lose what I have

If I am what I have and I lose what I have

IF I AM WHAT I HAVE AND IF WHAT I HAVE IS LOST, WHO THEN AM I? ~Erich Fromm At a time when I was feeling the loss of someone who had removed themselves from my life many years ago, I met with a therapist who offered me this quote – which I have not forgotten. The...

Yes, but

Yes, but

YES, BUT.... Consider paying attention to the times that you think to yourself 'YES, BUT' when you have something, and yet you continue to see a deficiency. I do this. We all do it. In a world full of comparison, we're often looking for something more or different...


Carla Grundison


Calgary, AB, Canada  |  Mountain Time Zone