

May you find something of value in what I share.

Is it wrong, or just different?

Is it wrong, or just different?

HOW OFTEN ARE WE USING ‘WRONG’ OR ‘INCORRECT’ TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY JUST ‘DIFFERENT’? When we encounter something that is different from what we’re used to, or perhaps a little unusual compared to common practice -how often do we have a tendency to...

On thinking too much

On thinking too much

I HEARD THIS MESSAGE IN THE DIALOGUE OF A SHOW and wanted to share it with you: 'You think too much! You think too much about everything! I just want to make sure you don't miss out on all the things in life that happen when you're NOT thinking. Because, believe me -...

Everything shifts

Everything shifts

EVERYTHING SHIFTS when we realize that other people’s actions, reactions, and the words they say are all about them. Really. Just that. Whether it’s sparked by something we've said or done, it's also about... ~ where they’re at emotionally, how confident or vulnerable...

Staying open and observant

Staying open and observant

THE GOOD THINGS WE SEE COMING INTO OTHERS’ LIVES (or what we perceive to be ‘good’ from our unique viewpoint) are going to be necessarily different from what must come our way to benefit us on our own journey. Inviting each of us to keep watching and staying open and...



I INVITE YOU TO CONTEMPLATE YOUR PRIORITIES. What is important to you? What do you consider to be your priorities? your goals? your desires? What is it you feel strongly about doing, practicing, including, valuing - in your life? Without judging or criticizing where...


Carla Grundison


Calgary, AB, Canada  |  Mountain Time Zone