by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Food for Thought, Interactions & Communication
WE TEND TO WANT OTHERS TO BE LIKE US. Maybe we wouldn’t put it in so many words, but we do tend to seek connection with others who share similar values, interests, even abilities. Perhaps it comes from a desire to be accepted and to make connections – to feel less...
by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Getting Through Difficult Experiences, Inspiration
TAKE THE PHYSICAL ENERGY WHEN IT COMES. ~ If you’re getting more done today than yesterday, that’s just how it is today. It doesn’t mean you will – or must expect to – maintain this speed, energy, and zest for the rest of your days. LEAN INTO THE NEED FOR...
by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Food for Thought, Interactions & Communication
WHEN IMPATIENCE STRIKES US – perhaps we’re in the presence of someone slower at a task than we would like, or doesn’t know the answer or solution that comes easily to us – we might find ourselves in the midst of thoughts like: Uggghhh… ~ how does this person not know...
by Carla | Feb 23, 2023 | Anxiety & Worry, Interactions & Communication
Listening to a podcast recently, I heard a short exchange between two people: person A felt snubbed by person B because B had walked past A on the street and hadn’t said hello or acknowledged them. There seemed to even be a question as to whether it had been an...
by Carla | Feb 16, 2023 | Inspiration, Signs & Symbols
A REMINDER FOR YOU FOR TODAY. You are on the right path. There is no other path for you to be on. Keep watching for signs: inspiration, messages, words or images that catch your eye, ideas that excite you, things that bring you enthusiasm and light you up a little...