Getting more comfortable with ourselves

Getting more comfortable with ourselves

LIFE, IN PART, IS A PROCESS OF GETTING MORE COMFORTABLE with ourselves, such that we share a little more honestly about who we really are, how we truly feel, being vulnerable more often, revealing our authentic self. It’s about trusting that there are folks who will...
Let it sit

Let it sit

LET IT SIT. The concern over that thing, the problem you’re having – whatever it is – just let it sit for awhile without focusing on it. Take a pause – maybe a few minutes, a day, a week or more depending on the nature of the issue – give it a...
Cut yourself some slack

Cut yourself some slack

Someone recently commented to me that they found me to be very self-aware and kind to myself. It’s interesting to hear how someone else views us, isn’t it? It sparked me to contemplate a little. I suppose I endeavour to… ~ CUT MYSELF SOME SLACK AND GO EASY ON MYSELF....