A connection less frequent

A connection less frequent

Recently, I LET MY MIND DRIFT FOR A MOMENT TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T REACH OUT to me, and who isn’t necessarily as close a friend as I might like them to be. Then I remembered how often I used to let myself sink into and dwell on similar thoughts – and really let...
Leave the table a little bit empty

Leave the table a little bit empty

BETTER TO LEAVE THE TABLE A LITTLE BIT EMPTY THAN A LITTLE BIT FULL. This is a saying I grew up hearing – I believe it was something my granddad used to say to my mom, and then she passed it on. Certainly a simple one to remember – literally as a way to...
When people repeat themselves

When people repeat themselves

SOMETIMES PEOPLE REPEAT THEMSELVES. Life is busy and often full of many interactions and distractions. Someone might have shared something with you long ago, or with a few people and not remembered you were one of them: ~they retell the old story you’ve heard a bunch...