by Carla | Oct 9, 2022 | Interactions & Communication
Recently, I LET MY MIND DRIFT FOR A MOMENT TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T REACH OUT to me, and who isn’t necessarily as close a friend as I might like them to be. Then I remembered how often I used to let myself sink into and dwell on similar thoughts – and really let...
by Carla | Oct 9, 2022 | Anxiety & Worry, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
ANY OF US CAN GET OVERLY CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT BE THINKING ABOUT US. But here are a few things to consider: ~ We are only guessing at what they think. We don’t, we can’t, we never – really know what others truly think about us. Even if they...
by Carla | Oct 9, 2022 | Comparison to Others, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
WHO HASN’T STRUGGLED OR FELT PRESSURE FROM WITHIN TO KEEP UP TO THAT ZEALOUS PERSON at some point? Someone who seems to have all the answers or brilliant ideas – or at least offers them up so much quicker? Maybe in a meeting, at work, in the classroom,...
by Carla | Sep 26, 2022 | Inspiration
BETTER TO LEAVE THE TABLE A LITTLE BIT EMPTY THAN A LITTLE BIT FULL. This is a saying I grew up hearing – I believe it was something my granddad used to say to my mom, and then she passed it on. Certainly a simple one to remember – literally as a way to...
by Carla | Sep 26, 2022 | Interactions & Communication
SOMETIMES PEOPLE REPEAT THEMSELVES. Life is busy and often full of many interactions and distractions. Someone might have shared something with you long ago, or with a few people and not remembered you were one of them: ~they retell the old story you’ve heard a bunch...