What is ‘inner work’?

What is ‘inner work’?

WHAT IS INNER WORK? In conversation with a dear friend a few weeks ago, I said something like ‘…I guess it’s improved a bit after the inner work I’ve done.’ The phrase just sort of rolled off my tongue. But afterward I thought about what that term really brings to...
Remember how rarely people focus on others

Remember how rarely people focus on others

For those of us who get caught up in WORRYING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT BE THINKING ABOUT US – whether we’re saying the right things, sounding smart or clever enough, whether we’re doing enough, looking attractive or presentable or respectable enough or whether we...
Each step is necessary

Each step is necessary

WHEN SOMETHING HAS BEEN IN OUR MIDST FOR QUITE SOME TIME – perhaps something we’ve thought about doing but kept pushing to the side, or maybe an opportunity right under our nose that we hadn’t noticed or seemed too difficult – on which we only now feel...