We’re more like wine than cake

We’re more like wine than cake

As a child, I NAIVELY THOUGHT ADULTHOOD WAS A THING YOU REACHED AND THEN THAT WAS THAT – that’s who you were from then on. I figured that adults continued to be the same throughout the rest of their lives, and they knew ‘all the things’ – and that, too, was just...
The impermanence of thoughts and feelings

The impermanence of thoughts and feelings

In the book I’m reading, I came across this lovely passage and wanted to share it with you: ‘The mind is in a constant state of flux. No thought, no feeling, no sensation lasts for more than an instant before it is transformed into the next state, the next...
The decision you make will be the right one

The decision you make will be the right one

WHATEVER DECISION YOU MAKE WILL BE THE RIGHT ONE. I don’t know who said this first – but today it’s a message for anyone who needs it. Sure, there are exceptions – notably when one of the options has a good chance of hurting another person in some way. We could...
A message for you

A message for you

This morning I sat down and tuned-in to do a short session – focusing in on A MESSAGE TO SHARE WITH YOU, reader – and by short session I mean really mini, maybe 3min. Of course, arguably all the writing I do and share on here is intuitively guided – as is yours!...
What people say about you

What people say about you

WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU isn’t a reflection of you, your motives, your actions, or your heart and spirit. ~ It might feel accurate. ~ It might be a compliment. ~ It might be something that sparks us to contemplate: ‘this might or might not be about me, but either...