The decisions of others

The decisions of others

THE PERSON WHO MAKES THE DECISION WE THINK IS STUPID or ill-conceived made it using at least some of the same processes we use to make our own decisions (the ones that we think are sound and, well, really great ideas). They likely used a little bit of the following: ~...
If someone didn’t invite you

If someone didn’t invite you

IF SOMEONE DIDN’T INVITE YOU TO THEIR PARTY or that special event, and you’re starting to feel (or maybe already in full-swing of feeling) upset, left out or disappointed, perhaps even going so far as thinking this tells you that you’re not ‘liked’ or ‘needed’ or...
Be OK with not knowing

Be OK with not knowing

BE OK WITH NOT KNOWING. On an intellectual level I think most of us know that we don’t know what will happen with certainty. It’s part of the joy of life, isn’t it? If we knew it all, already – where would be the fun in that? But nevertheless we try to control...